All abstracts will be published in the Abstracts Book and all full papers will be published in the Proceeding Book (except the paper selecting 4th option below). Abstracts Book and Proceedings Book will have ISBN.
Also, participants should choose one of following four choices about their papers.
- Congress participants will also have the opportunity to publish their papers written in English in the Eurasian Research Journal after the procedure of the paper selection by the editorial board of the Eurasian Research Journal. All submitted full papers should follow the journal’s guidelines.
- Congress participants will also have the opportunity to publish their papers in the Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University Journal of Institute of Social Sciences after
the procedure of the paper selection by the editorial board of the
Eurasian Research Journal. All submitted full papers should follow the
journal’s guideline.
- Congress participants will also have the opportunity to publish their papers in the International Econometric Review (IER) after the procedure of the paper selection by the editorial board of the Eurasian Research Journal. All submitted full papers should follow the journal’s guideline.
- An editorial book titled “Political Economy of Energy Revolution” will be published. The papers can be sent to be reviewed as a book chapter.
- Oral presentation (Congress participants will get a participation document and their full papers will not be published in proceedings book).